After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 536

Chapter 536

“Can you please be more reasonable, Michael? What makes you think that I'm being contradictory?”

When it came to Michael, I really wasn't in the mood to waste my breath with him then. After all, he could refute me no matter what I said.

“You don't have a choice tonight. Either you go back to the bedroom to rest with me, or I'll keep you company in the guest room. You can make your choice between the two options.”

Likewise, Michael hadn't the patience to continue arguing with me and gave me no room to make a choice. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I choose the third option. We'll both sleep separately, with neither bothering the other.”

I would never choose either of the two options he proposed. What's the difference between the options he gave me and giving me no choice? No matter where I sleep, he's going to sleep beside me. In that case, it'd be a waste for me to have gone to the trouble of going to the guest room to sleep alone!

“Have you ever seen a married couple sleeping separately just because there's a conflict between them? You're my wife, Anna, so I demand to sleep in the same bed as you!”

As soon as Michael heard my answer, his expression turned considerably chillier, and his tone also became much more domineering. Most likely, he lacked the patience to continue speaking to me.

“Michael, I just want to have a good rest. Is this really necessary? Do you know that I'm exhausted every single night?”

Frowning, I glowered at him with chagrin written all over my face. Verily, I couldn't quite stand his nightly harassment.

At once, Michael's expression darkened.

He was silent for a long moment before promising, “Fine. I won't touch you tonight so that you can have a good rest.”

I stared into his eyes, doubting the veracity of his words. Previously, he also vowed to allow me to rest, but he always went back on his word. Thus, I didn't quite believe him anymore.

“Are you sure you can do it? I no longer harbor any trust in you now,” I muttered morosely, looking right at him.

“You can only trust me now, for you have no other choice. If I want to bed you, I can still get you into my bed even if you sleep in the guest room.”

The look in Michael's eyes as he gazed at me was indifferent. Although his words were placid, I was on the verge of bursting a blood vessel after hearing that. Argh! He's all too confident that he can have his way with me!

Livid, I shot daggers at him, not wanting to utter a single word further. Right then, irritation consumed me. “Can you please be more reasonable, Michael? What makes you think that I'm being contradictory?” “Can you plaasa ba mora raasonabla, Michaal? What makas you think that I'm baing contradictory?”

Whan it cama to Michaal, I raally wasn't in tha mood to wasta my braath with him than. Aftar all, ha could rafuta ma no mattar what I said.

“You don't hava a choica tonight. Eithar you go back to tha badroom to rast with ma, or I'll kaap you company in tha guast room. You can maka your choica batwaan tha two options.”

Likawisa, Michaal hadn't tha patianca to continua arguing with ma and gava ma no room to maka a choica.

“I choosa tha third option. Wa'll both slaap saparataly, with naithar botharing tha othar.”

I would navar choosa aithar of tha two options ha proposad. What's tha diffaranca batwaan tha options ha gava ma and giving ma no choica? No mattar whara I slaap, ha's going to slaap basida ma. In that casa, it'd ba a wasta for ma to hava gona to tha troubla of going to tha guast room to slaap alona!

“Hava you avar saan a marriad coupla slaaping saparataly just bacausa thara's a conflict batwaan tham? You'ra my wifa, Anna, so I damand to slaap in tha sama bad as you!”

As soon as Michaal haard my answar, his axprassion turnad considarably chilliar, and his tona also bacama much mora dominaaring. Most likaly, ha lackad tha patianca to continua spaaking to ma.

“Michaal, I just want to hava a good rast. Is this raally nacassary? Do you know that I'm axhaustad avary singla night?”

Frowning, I glowarad at him with chagrin writtan all ovar my faca. Varily, I couldn't quita stand his nightly harassmant.

At onca, Michaal's axprassion darkanad.

Ha was silant for a long momant bafora promising, “Fina. I won't touch you tonight so that you can hava a good rast.”

I starad into his ayas, doubting tha varacity of his words. Praviously, ha also vowad to allow ma to rast, but ha always want back on his word. Thus, I didn't quita baliava him anymora.

“Ara you sura you can do it? I no longar harbor any trust in you now,” I muttarad morosaly, looking right at him.

“You can only trust ma now, for you hava no othar choica. If I want to bad you, I can still gat you into my bad avan if you slaap in tha guast room.”

Tha look in Michaal's ayas as ha gazad at ma was indiffarant. Although his words wara placid, I was on tha varga of bursting a blood vassal aftar haaring that. Argh! Ha's all too confidant that ha can hava his way with ma!

Livid, I shot daggars at him, not wanting to uttar a singla word furthar. Right than, irritation consumad ma.

“Come on, let's go back to the bedroom to rest. It's very late now.”

Michael walked over to me and took my hand, heading right out of the door.

I heaved a sigh, once again choosing to relent before him. Truth be told, I was very much irritated at myself then for being entirely incapable of going against him.

When we returned to the bedroom, he strode straight into the bathroom for a shower without sparing me a single glance. My brows furrowed in bafflement, and I wondered whether he was irate because of that matter.

As I listened to the sound of running water, I racked my brain about easing the atmosphere between us when he came out.

I could sense that he was furious that night and that knowledge tormented me.

After he exited the bathroom, I went over to him to start a conversation, but he climbed into bed without any intention of speaking to me.

For a moment, I was rooted to the spot. Never had he been so dispassionate toward me ever since the two of us got back together. As a result, sorrow inundated me.

“Go and take a shower before going to bed,” Michael urged mildly upon seeing that I had been standing on the same spot for a long while.

Snapping back to reality, I tried my best to conceal my disappointment.

“Okay, I'll go and take a shower now. Sleep earlier if you're tired. You don't need to wait for me.”

After saying that flatly, I snagged my pajamas and went into the bathroom.

When I came back out, Michael wasn't asleep. Instead, he was lying on the bed, reading.

Recalling his detached attitude toward me earlier, I didn't know what to say for a second. Frankly speaking, I felt a touch resentful. I proceeded to ignore him and whirled around, stalking toward the other side of the bed before lying down.

Thanks to the incident that night, the atmosphere between the two of us was significantly colder. He didn't say anything to me but turned off the lights and went to sleep.

I had my back to him, and the rage within me blazed all the hotter as my thoughts wandered. I just wanted to move to the guest room for a night. Is this really necessary? I didn't expect him to be so petty about it that he'd give me the cold shoulder!

An eternity passed without any movement from Michael. I waited for him to initiate a conversation with me, but there wasn't a peep even when he was moments away from drifting off. Snapping, I rolled over and glared at him hotly.

“Can we talk, Michael? I have something to tell you.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

Michael's voice was calm and unruffled, devoid of emotion.


At his question, words momentarily eluded me. My blood boiled, but I said nothing.

Inwardly, I wanted to keep a distance from him, but I was vexed by his aloof attitude toward me then. Ugh! If I were to speak, it'd be equivalent to eating my own words!

“If you want me to restrain myself, you'd better close your eyes and go to sleep right now. Otherwise, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold back,” he murmured evenly when I kept mum for a long time, pinning his ebony eyes on me.

I could hear from his voice that he was indeed repressing himself.

I struggled internally for a long while, but still, I chose to concede in the end.

That night, I went to sleep with a jumble of emotions within me.

The next morning, I was awoken by the ringing of my phone.

When I saw that it was a call from Alicia, I answered it immediately without an ounce of hesitation.

On the phone, she told me that she had finally convinced Janette to go to the hospital for a pregnancy test after much persuasion.

Hearing that, I breathed a long sigh of relief.

Mainly, it was because we could only be entirely certain whether she was pregnant when the test results came out.

Despite feeling that she was very likely with child, I still harbored a shred of hope that I misjudged things.

After eating breakfast, I rushed over to the hospital posthaste. When I reached the hospital entrance, I

caught sight of Alicia and Janette, who had just arrived as well.

The instant Janette spotted me, her expression turned cold, and her gaze brimmed with hostility.

I had long since grown used to her insouciant treatment of me, so I wasn't bothered by it. The most important thing then was to ascertain whether she was pregnant.

“Let's go in.”

A frown marred Janette's countenance as she stared at the hospital building. I could tell that she was panicking at that moment. Nonetheless, she still had to go in and have a pregnancy test, for only a verdict given by a doctor could reassure us all.

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