Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 127

Bonus Chapter 5 – Accepting His Fiery Alpha – II of II


‘I cannot believe he did that at the table, in front of our papá!’ Chila buried her head under her paws, replaying the dinner over and over in her mind.

I had been so overly confident that I could handle anything Diego flung, but I had been sorely underprepared. My brother loved him, that much was obvious. Thiago had a penchant for mischief that ran a mile, so the two of them were kindred spirits in that regard. My mother was a little surprised at first, not expecting Diego’s roughened and pierced outer wrappings. Nevertheless, she knew I would not be talked out of anything I had set my mind on and had accepted him into the fold.

My father would be a separate battle, one which I would win. I loved him dearly and always would, but he placed my sister, Beth, and me on high pedestals, where nothing and no one would ever be good enough. In his eyes, we could do no wrong and anything that fell short of his version of perfect for us was deemed unworthy.

Had this been two years ago, Diego would have received a more hostile reception than my sister’s mate had. The fact my father had held his tongue and his fists so far showed the distance he had come, but he needed to do better and truly see how close he came to f*****g up royally with Beth.

“So, papá,” because I couldn’t say papi anymore, thanks to my mate, without turning cherry red. “Are you gonna throw Diego out? Demand he stays away from me?”

“Mija…” his weary tone warned. He slammed the dishwasher closed and gripped the side of the green granite kitchen counter. “How many times do we need to go through this?”

“Maybe a couple more because every time you look at him, I can see you thinking about popping his head off,” I palmed my hips in a defiant stance, dropping the pose instantly when I realised I was mirroring my mother.

“I’m trying, mija. I’m letting him stay in our home, aren’t I? I’m not shipping him away from you into the pack house.”

I blew out a loud sigh, because he was trying, but he could do more, see more.

“She thought about it, you know, Beth,” I side-eyed my father, hovering by the archway where we were alone in the kitchen. “She talked to me about running away with her mate, going rogue. If he didn’t have a sister he’d be leaving behind, she would have. Diego ran away because his father wanted to force him into a life that wasn’t for him and look what happened. What if that had been Beth… or me?”

The horror painted itself instantly at the thought of either of us falling into such a trap, a trap that would have looked so innocuous and innocent.

“Diego is a good wolf… he took six darts of wolfsbane to keep me safe without a second thought and it could have killed him. You owe that man.”

I left him alone with his thoughts. My father was not one to come to an epiphany and admit his mistakes in the same breath they were presented. He was pugnacious, hot-tempered, stubborn, brash, difficult, pushy…

‘So… us?’ My wolf deadpanned.

‘Fine! I know where we get it from, ok?’

Through in the foyer, Thiago and Leah were saying their goodbyes. Our dinner and family time had run well into the evening and I was beginning to feel the jetlag catching up with me.

“I’ll see you later, Cata,” my brother tried to poke my side, but I dodged. “And you better have my $50.”

“What?! No way!” He didn’t win the bet, I did. ‘Diego pissed dad off in the first sentence, way under the three minutes you said.’

The two of us had made a dumb bet over text message while I was in the air, but I’d be damned if I let Thiago think he had won.

‘Nuh-uh,’ he argued. ‘Diego did that whole introduction bowing thing and then pissed him off. That was three minutes in.’

‘Was it hell! If anything, neither of us won. Go home before I stuff you like a banana leaf.’

‘Whatever. You know I’m right,’ he grinned like an i***t and left with his mate.

“Noche, mamá, (night, mom),” I mumbled through a yawn and took hold of my mate’s hand, the tingles shooing away my tiredness. “I’ll show Diego to his room.”

‘And make sure the bed is turned down real good,’ Chila bounced on her paws, impatient to get up the stairs.

“Descansa, mija (rest well, dear). And don’t be getting lost on the way,” she replied in a knowing tone. ‘Wait until your father has gone to bed before you start sneaking, please?’


But she didn’t answer and glided away into the house, heading towards the kitchen.

“What was that about $50?” Diego asked once we were upstairs and out of earshot.

“Uh… it was kind of a bet. We know what our dad is like and my bet was that the vein on my dad’s temple would be throbbing by your first sentence. Thiago thought it’d take you a little longer and bet

within three minutes.”

“You were betting on me?” And when he said it aloud, I realised how shitty it sounded.

“Yeah… I kinda see how it might be in poor taste.”

“You should have told me…” he turned to me outside his room and the pained look he flashed dropped my stomach like a lead weight. “…Because I could have gotten in on the action.”

My eyes blinked in surprise… he was messing with me?

“Mi vida, I’m a penniless rogue,” the rough pad is his thumb brushed over my lips, the grip of his fingers digging into my jaw. “I could do with the money.”

Like a moth to a flame, I was sucked into the magnetism he exuded, dancing to his tune however he saw fit to play me as though my reason had ignited in his heat and left only instinct behind. I raised on the balls of my feet to meet his lips that I wanted to taste again and had been denied to the point of insanity.

“Buenas noches, mi amor (good night, my love),” his lips kissed my cheek instead, a husky whisper against my ear. “Sueña conmigo (dream of me).”

Once again, my body followed through the air to trail after his, stumbling to a halt before my brain caught up. That damn smirk of his was back, the white of his teeth contrasting with the black of his short beard and his teasing smile didn’t vanish until his door closed.

‘You are gonna have to let me out soon so I can put his wolf in his place,’ Chila huffed. ‘You can take the human, or, you can try when you stop blushing.’

‘I’m not blushing!’ My bedroom door slammed louder than I would have liked.

I didn’t want Diego to know how much he had gotten under my skin and now he would have heard it. I could just see the damn smirk again as he laid back on his bed, naked, only wearing those glorious tattoos and his wavy black hair sprawled on his pillow under his head.

‘Sure you’re not blushing. Your face is just naturally hotter than a habanero.’

Damn wolf!

I threw my shirt off and went to my bathroom, splashing water in my face. No man had ever gotten under my skin like this, made me crave him or send my mind haywire. What I needed was something to raise his pulse, and his c**k, to the point where he lost his control of the cat-and-mouse game he had begun. And I knew just the thing.

I stripped my clothing off again and rifled through my drawers for the underwear set I hadn’t had an occasion to wear yet; a pair of strappy red lace Brazilian cut panties with bows on the hips and a matching see-through red lace bra that fastened at the front with the same red satin ribbons as my panties. I added a dab of the cocoa perfume oil Beth had said smelled great on me on our last shopping trip and ran my fingers through the roots of my hair to give me a tousled ‘ravish me’ finish.

“Dream of me,” mi diablo had said.

I wouldn’t be dreaming of him, I would be under him.

Listening out at my door, I waited to hear the sounds of my parents going to bed, to hear them ascend the top steps of the second floor and their bedroom door close. I opened my door, softly creeping on tiptoes to Diego’s room and avoiding the creaky floorboard with practised ease.

I shuffled my pose at his door, trying to find my best angle. As I was fiddling with my bra, hiking my breasts to push them up, the door swung open and I was caught wide-eyed with my hand fondling my boob.

‘Did Winter Solstice roll around again?’ His huge grin spread, eyes angled directly on my chest.

I whipped my hand out like my own tit had scalded me and in my haste, I caught the satin ribbon and pulled it undone, causing my breasts to spill free in the hall… at my mate’s door… right in front of said mate…

The only thing missing from this moment was one of my parents turning the corner and catching it all.

‘Oh mi puta diosa (oh my f*****g goddess),’ Chila threw her head back in denial. ‘Is this your first time seducing a man?!’

Embarrassed and mortified, I snapped my bra back together and rushed to do up the bow. Why? I have no idea because he had seen everything up close and personal. None of this was going as I saw it in my mind and I just wanted to delete all of it from reality.

‘Mi vida, I was enjoying that view. Or were they not for me?’

Diego rested his thick brawny forearm against the door jamb, leaning forward, and I had only just now noticed the thin bed sheet fisted low on his hip. Low enough to give a good view of his snake tattoo, show off the trail of dark hair from his navel to his protruding bulge and display those deep V-line muscles that I had no idea what they were called, only that they made my smart brain go real stupid. Whatever the quipped reply I was thinking of, died to the devilish lines of his sinful hips.

“Catalina…” his perfect lips wrapped around my name in a whisper, coating each syllable in his heady scent of ochre and incense. Bewitched, my gaze tore away from his lower half, meeting his mischievous eyes, and his next words could have been heard from the back of the pack house for their volume. “Creeping to my room in the dead of night in tiny underwear? What would papi say?”

I slapped my hand over his mouth and pushed him backwards inside, his muffled laughter ringing loud to wake up anyone in the house that had missed the first instalment. Pressing my face to the crack in

the door, I listened for any thunder of footsteps, namely my father, ready to tear my mate a new one and ‘preserve my honour’; a ship that had long since sailed years ago. Exhaling a sigh of relief that no one was charging to smash the door down, my relief contorted to seething annoyance.

I whirled around to find Diego grinning madly in the dimness, illuminated only by the bedside lamp, the grip on that damned bedsheet loosening.

“¡Tú pinche pendejo!” I shoved him in his taut chiselled chest, which killed my brain cells all over again. “Why would you do that?! What if my dad had heard? I would have been mortified!”

“Because I love you most when that mouth spits fire at me,” he had the audacity to laugh in my face and spout such beautiful words in the same sentence. “And to answer my question…” he let loose the bed sheet, the white rich cotton fluttering over the planes of his thighs, laying bare two snakes; the tattoo that coiled around his leg with pretty red flowers and the erect snake that hung between his legs, begging for me. “…Papi says I like what I’m seeing. But, you did call me a f*****g asshole, so I don’t think papi wants to play anymore.”

For the umpteenth time today or, more accurately, since we met, I was left speechless with no idea what to say or how to handle this man. He backed up, smirk and all, nestling himself into the bed with his eyes closed. But he didn’t fool me for a second that he was after sleep, the bead of precum dribbling down his rigid c**k was hardly weeping for the hell of it.

“Are you going to stare all night?” He peeped open an eye, his pupil taking in the entire length of my body.

“I don’t know, are you?” I popped my hip, accentuating my curves. “I came looking for a goodnight kiss, but maybe you’re not the wolf male up to the task.”

A low growl gently shuddered his chest, the vibrations thickening the air with his dominant Gamma aura in a low hum. Their effect was immediate, coating my panties with my scent.

“Come,” he held out his hand and my pulse shot through the ceiling.

‘Come? I think you already did,’ my wolf writhed in our shared little puddle.

I let him wait a second longer than necessary to let him sweat for a beat that I may walk away and disobey. In the end, my hormones won and I swayed over to him, intending to straddle his lap, but he caught my wrist and flipped us over, caging me with his weight above.

“You’re not used to hearing no, are you?”

I shook my head to play along, coyly biting the edge of my bottom lip. It was true, though. I always got what I wanted.

My palms slid up his heated chest, avoiding his healing s***h marks, and brushed over the brown skin of his n*****s. He snatched my wrists in a firm grip, not too tight but enough to keep it interesting, pinning them above my head. His chest rumbled with another deep timbre growl, trailing his nose to my marking spot and lingering where I had dabbed my perfume.

“It’s time you learnt then, button,” he abruptly rolled off of me and clasped his hands behind his head in a smug sense of self-satisfaction.

The warmth of his incense aroma still clung to me, nipping at my sanity, and it took me a moment to realise I had jumped straight into his game again.

And he had won… again.

“Did you call me button?” Of all the things, I fixated on this.

“Yes. Because I know exactly where to press,” his self-approving grin broadened.

‘You’re asking dumb questions when he’s laid down a challenge?’ Chila reared up. ‘Pick up that bat he just threw and use it, dammit!’

I had unwittingly obeyed his game at every turn. Each time I thought I had control, he had been a step ahead with that smug grin that made me want to slap it from him or ride it till I screamed… which sparked a thought.

My own small smirk formed as an idea took shape. Propping up my leg and angling my hips, I let my fingertips skim my stomach and dip under the strappy waistband of my panties. My folds were slick, coating the crease of my thighs. There wasn’t a chance in hell Diego couldn’t smell me; the scent was ladened with pheromones designed specifically for him, for his wolf.

My hips swayed as I circled my clit, finding the friction I needed, and my breath hitched in a moan when the first pang of pleasure hit. I knew the moment it registered with him what I was doing because his entire body stiffened like a metal rod, his nostrils flaring with the flood of arousal hitting him.

Before I could thrust a finger further, an arm gripped under me and hauled me up, sitting me in a straddle position above his lap, his c**k riding my ass.

“Keep going,” he guided my hand back, palming my thigh with his calloused skin.

“So I’m doing all the work?”

A slapping sound echoed and a delicious sting erupted on my exposed ass cheek.

“Don’t argue,” he stressed each syllable in a way no man had ever dared with me. “Keep. Going.”

My Alpha aura intimidated most guys and the few that tried to show they could handle me wound up being submissive to it in bed. But Diego? He had his own aura, his own unique brand of dominance I had never experienced from a man… and I loved it.

I met his eye, the dark brown of his iris flickering with black and deepening the tiny gold flecks embedded within his molten colours. Holding his gaze without shame, I plunged my two fingers deep, building up an increasing tempo and grinding my ass on the head of his shaft seeping in precum. Diego’s hand smoothed up my stomach and between my cleavage, giving my right breast a light squeeze of reward. Taking his time, he plucked the ribbon at the base of my cleavage, letting my breasts spill free how I had originally planned.

I grasped his hand and pulled him to set his upper body upright, kissing each of his fingers and sucking his middle finger. I rolled my tongue over his fingertip, breaking the last tense thread of his self-control. He gripped my back and surged forward, capturing my kiss in a rough caress. His taste and tongue invaded me and I gladly allowed him to dominate, to steal the very oxygen from my lungs. His scratchy beard left a hot heated path down my throat, following the round of my breast and latching onto my n****e, flicking it with punishment.

My mouth hung open, awestruck, and my fingers between my legs came to a grinding halt.

‘I know you didn’t just stop, mi vida,’ Diego’s devilish mouth sucked hard, nipping my sensitive flesh with his teeth and spanking my ass again with a resounding slap. He popped my n****e from his lips and hazily uttered a low command. “Keep going.”

He pulled at the bows on my hips and threw my panties to the side, removing any resistance to pleasure myself. He dove straight back into my chest, paying attention to the n****e that had been denied attention thus far. As my fingers worked my clit, Diego’s swirled my brown pebbled bud around his divine mouth and just as I dangled on the edge of release, just as my eyes fogged in a daze, my body was propelled forward so fast, I had to catch myself on the headboard of the bed. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Diego pulled my hips to his awaiting open mouth lying on the mattress and before I could process, he lapped the entire slit of my folds, parting them with ease and wrapping his experienced tongue around

my clit.

Circling around, over and flicking my throbbing bundle of nerves took the brunt of his attention, quaking my thighs until a thrilling wave rippled from my toes to my scalp, tingling my cheeks and fluttering my chest.

My grip on the headboard tightened and was the only reason I hadn’t collapsed. Damp lips kissed along my spine and gentle hands pulled my open bra from my shoulders. Those same unholy lips kissed my marking spot as my back was pressed to a perfect chest. I could feel the rough ridges of his healing scars, and far from being repellent, they were a turn-on, adding to his dangerous air.

“Do you want me, mi vida?” Diego ground his pelvis to mine, his thick c**k sliding between my heavily wet folds, not-so-dry humping me into oblivion.

“I…mmm-yes,” I damn near lost my mind when his smooth tip nudged my clit, every smart mouth response vanishing at his skilled touch.

“Then hands on the headboard, button,” his heavy palm connected with my ass cheek, jutting my body forward on impact.

“What? I can’t hear you, mi diablo,” I smiled to myself, playing with the fire I desperately wanted to be burned by.

His rough hand glided up my spine and caught a handful of my hair, entwining the strands around his fist and pulling firmly to whisper in my ear.

“Hands. On. The headboard,” his palm smoothed over the curve of my ass and spanked harder, making me squeal.

“Si, papi,” I giggled, doing as instructed and gripping the wood of the headboard.

My body lurched forward, propelled by the force of his thrust. I felt every inch of his girth impale me, my walls clenching him for dear life. He buried his head into my neck, groaning heavily and shuddering. The tingling that had buzzed my skin before was now a sweet fire under my skin that screamed for more.

‘Give me a second,’ his voice wavered, a hint of vulnerability peeping through. ‘I haven’t done this in a while and I’m trying not to come. You feel so f*****g perfect.’

‘For you, I’d wait forever,’ I risked taking another wonderful punishment and relinquished my hold on the headboard to cup his jaw and kiss the side of his lips. ‘I love you.’

A beautiful smile bloomed across his face, hearing the three words I knew he needed to hear most. The wolf was every right type of wrong my body craved and he knew it. I loved every dirty, sinful, roguish, rough, tender, gentle, devoted part of him. Our two souls couldn’t have fit more perfectly together.

“Don’t think I’ll take it easy on you, button, just because you said you love me,” he peppered his words with kisses along my throat, circling his tongue at the base of my neck.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. And before you get all pushy, I know, hands on the headboard,” I took up my position again, grinding my hips backwards and taking him in further, wiggling for my punishment.

“Two for the attitude,” he spanked each of my ass cheeks, soothing the burn with a thrust of his hips.

My body opened for him, for his every savage thrust and for his flood of tenderly gentle emotions that flowed through our bond. His fingers dug into my hips, driving into me faster than I could meet. A blinding white heat prickled my skin, my core tightening and convulsing against my mate’s pounding. My neck ached and itched, needing a set of canines to bind my soul to its counterpart, calling for it with every devastating thrust that destroyed and restored me.

“Be mine,” Diego’s primal growl begged in a plea, his breathing frantic.

“Yours,” I bared my neck, permitting him to mark.

As soon as the words left my lips, my head was snatched roughly to the side and the kaleidoscope of fire ruptured like a volcano, pain and thrilling pleasure merging into one, overwhelming me with its brilliance. The most beautiful warmth spread through my stomach to my chest, fluttering and binding itself to me, to my heart.

“-alina? Cata, mi vida?” Diego’s distant voice echoed.

My eyes fluttered open and I found I was cradled on a warm lap, with firm arms encircling me to a snuggly chest. His fingertip drew a soft line under my cheek, edging my lip and booping my nose.

“There’s my button,” he pressed his lips to mine, his tongue seeking to explore and delicately dancing with its partner. “I thought I knocked you till morning.”

“How long has it been?” I rubbed the mist from my eyes, noticing Diego was propped up at the head of the bed.

The night still clung behind the drapes and the sticky slickness between my thighs soaked my insides.

“A minute, if that. You were out before I could retract my teeth and seal your mark.”

My finger sought out the mark, softly tracing the slightly ridged outline of it. A shudder passed through me with the motion, a shudder he felt in a reflection.

“You want one too, so we can match?” I teased, resting my forehead on his and waiting for his consent.

“I’ve never wanted to match anyone more.”

I shifted on his lap, picking out the perfect spot to bare my mark, letting his scent be my beacon. My canines came forth and an instinct drove my actions, fisting a handful of his hair to yank his head and shoulder apart.

“Mine,” the word rumbled across my tongue and my vision narrowed, aimed at my target to claim.

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