A Tale of Chase and Love s1

Chapter 21

Back at the Han residence, there was pandemonium as Madam Jin Ehuang was throwing a fit. She knew Doctor Fu’s temper, so she called another doctor to care for Han ling.

The doctor was sweating, and his hands were quivering.

“Why is she so angry? It’s not like I harmed her daughter.”The doctor named Jun Lei complained internally.

This woman will be the end of him!

He has tried his best, but he cannot fully guarantee that Han Ling will be totally relieved of the poison he found in her body, nor say that her beauty will come back.

At the first sight of Han Ling, he nearly puked, but he’s gotta be serious here. A small smile and his head wouldn’t stay intact anymore.

“Doctor Fu, wherever you are, please come here and save this little man here,” the Doctor prayed silently.

The door opened, and a guard ran in panting and then immediately went on one knee, bowing his head.

“What is it? Where is Bai Feng?” Jin Ehuang barked.

The guard nearly fell to the ground but immediately steadied himself.

“Replying to madam… Doctor Fu… Doctor Fu has trapped him. He said he wanted some rest but Bai won’t…”

The guard did not get to complete his words when a blast of wind hit his face.

Madam Jin Ehuang had run out of the mansion.

“This is bad. With Madam’s temper, she might only return as a cripple.” the guard thought.

Life as a guard is never easy.


Doctor Fu continued to read the adult book with a frown on his face.

“These positions are so awful. I only like the first one. So annoying.” Doctor Fu spat into the book page and threw it towards the door, which was unexpectedly blasted open.

Jin Ehuang had just reached there and hissed at the guard.

She then blasted the door open, only for a large book to hit her face.

She looked at the culprit, who was staring at her like he did nothing wrong.

“Doctor Fu?” she called.

“I’m exhausted and I need a lot of rest.” Doctor Fu said and then pretended to yawn.

He ignored her and walked towards the bed and was about to lie down on it when Jin Ehuang super sped to his spot and blasted to the bed into pieces.

Doctor Fu ended up falling flat on the ground.

In the process, his garment lifted up, revealing his fair thighs.

“Hey! Close your eyes,” he shouted.

“Why should I? Are your thighs fairer than my husband’s?” she asked, walking closer to him.

“You evil lady”,Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Doctor Fu vanished and appeared behind her with a bottle containing an unknown liquid.

“Here! Give this to your daughter and her cramps will lessen,” he then tossed the bottle towards Jin Ehuang.

This stupid lady had better be thankful. That powder is not something he can easily part with.

To his surprise, however, Jin Ehuang did not catch the bottle, instead, she picked up a book in his cupboard and nodded her head with a smile.

“You will come with me. Trust me.”Jin Ehuang said and super sped out of the room.

“You…”Doctor Fu pointed at a non-existent human.

What kind of lady is she?

Just look at the spilt liquid on the floor.

She has committed so many atrocities and dared think she could get away with it.

She even threatened him?

Who did she think she was?

Just because she is the Madam of the Han family… wait! Han family?

From what he remembers, that woman is not a piece of cake.

He sprinted to his cupboard and saw that the book she picked happened to be the part two of the adult book he threw at her earlier.

“This lady is vicious. She’s going to stain my good name. No! I can’t allow this”

With this last statement, he vanished.


Jin Ehuang was already at the marketplace and wanted to offer the book for auction when Doctor Fu caught up with her and used a spell to get the book back.

“I thought you said you were overworked and needed some rest,” Jin Ehuang asked with a smile that did not reach her eyes.

“You see, I just received a vision and saw that I treated you unfairly, so I followed you here. Let’s go save your daughter,” Doctor Fu said awkwardly.

“Good! You are smart for an old man,” Jin Ehuang said and then super sped from the area.

Doctor Fu was angry. But then, what could he do?

She also had the other book he threw at her earlier, and his good name was at risk of being stained.

This lady is too proud.

She even insulted his age by calling him an old fool.

Who would take that?

Today, he the greatest doctor in the imperial city (capital) of Luo ye country is paying a visit to the Han residence.

They are lucky to have him.

It would be great if they have demonic rats for dinner.

He would love to try out one that was 500 years old.

If Jin Ehuang knew what he was thinking, she’d smack his head.

Her daughter was dying, and he was thinking about food.

Heidelberg, Germany.


In a twin-duplex house belonging to the Williams family in Neven, a middle-aged couple is sitting down together on a brown sofa.

The man is 6ft tall, has black curly hair and is clad in casual attire.

He is handsome and has a mole between his eyebrows and pale brown lips. He is reading reports from their company ‘Blazzle’ a company that deals with real estate.

It is the biggest and most reliable company here in Heidelberg.

Having 25 companies working under it and investing in stable reliable companies that are willing to partner with ‘Blazzle’, the Williams even if they never started the company 50 years ago, they would still be filthy rich.

However, they choose to remain low-key on their wealth in some ways.

You can also say they own the media.

Now, the man who is reading the reports, sighed and dropped the papers with a sigh and placed his hands on his wife’s shoulders.

His wife is busy knitting a sweater and did not react.

“Come on, Honey! You know how Theresa is. She must have succeeded in kidnapping her so-called idol. And besides, Paul’s with her. What could possibly happen to her?” said the man (I will now refer to him, Mr. Clark Williams, as Theresa’s dad or vice versa).

“That Kim Tae Hyung, what’s so good about him? He just wears make-up to look good,” the beautiful blonde-haired lady dressed in a black gown, black shoes and scary make-up barked at her husband.

Theresa’s mother, Aarti, is from India, and her dad is German

“Honey, when you were her age, you were also passionate about me and you finally succeeded in getting me.” said the man, this time rubbing on her bare shoulders.

“You liar! I used to like a bartender, Peter Greene, but I got over him after a year. This girl of ours, however, has liked her idol for 3 good years now,” Theresa’s mum complained.

“How many years have you liked me now, Aarti?” Theresa’s dad asked with a pretend serious face.

“You… you’re shipping my precious daughter with some scumbag? If my daughter…” her husband interrupted her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“You…”Theresa’s mum stuttered.

This husband of hers!

“No matter how angry you are, don’t call other people’s son a scumbag. Our daughter’s idol did no wrong. It isn’t his fault that he’s handsome,” Mr. Clark said slowly.

“He’s not handsome!” Aarti fired back and immediately got up from the sofa and headed upstairs in a rush. Her husband shook his head and smiled.

“Women are sure hard to understand,” he muttered and returned to reading the reports.

3 minutes later.

Aarti marched down the stairs with a magazine and threw it on top of the reports her husband was reading.

“See that? Our daughter likes that little brat.” she pointed at the figure on the magazine cover.

When Mr. Clark saw the figure, he laughed. Aarti did not know why he was laughing.

“You… be serious, Clark,” she growled.

“Ok… em… that… is not our daughter’s idol,” her husband said, trying to hide his mirth.

“If it’s not him, then who else?” Aarti asked, displeased that her husband wasn’t taking this seriously.

Clark managed to calm down and made a gesture for his PA, who had just entered to get Theresa’s magazine.

The PA named Miss Leena Gade nodded and headed upstairs to the young miss’ room.

On opening the door, she met a pile of magazines on Theresa’s bed, a vanity table and even on the floor.

Did the young miss spend the night admiring her idol?

Just look at all those magazines!

She picked one from the bed and left, closing the door.


“Great master, here is the magazine,” Leena announced as she walked to her boss, who is still reading the reports.

Seeing that she had returned, Mr. Clark dropped the reports, took the magazine from Leena’s hand and presented it to his frowning wife.

“The one you brought, Aarti, is not her idol but an actor whose name I don’t know. But I can assure you that this is her idol. Kim Tae Hyung,” Theresa’s dad said with a smile.

The moment Aarti set eyes on Kim Tae Hyung, her eyes sparkled, and she grabbed the magazine and ran upstairs to their matrimonial bedroom.

Mr. Clark Williams just shook his head again and went back to reading his reports.

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