A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


My back hurt. It ached like I had been laying in the same position for hours. I tried to move and couldn’t.

Fighting like hell I managed to drag my eyes barely open. The world was held in hazy relief, I couldn’t seem to focus. I saw rocks and short bushes surrounded by low rocky hills.

There was warmth on my other side and with great effort I turned my head. A fire burned low beside me. Just beyond the fire I saw a sight that made me want to scream.

One of those spider like creatures Nu-reeh had showed me in the caves was creeping up to me. It’s bite could kill me; I knew that much. In vain I tried to move, but my muscles wouldn’t respond. I managed to rise to my elbows only to flop back and hit my head.

For a moment I saw stars. When my vision cleared, something more terrifying than the poisonous creature was there. A woman was killing the spider creature, and then a second one in a bush. She took them both and flew away.

I wanted to worry, but I couldn’t. Sleep was a more pressing issue and I fell back into blackness.

Yelling got my attention and I woke up. My face was toward the fire and I opened my eyes to see it blazing mightily. Someone had piled it high, so it burned brightly. Despite the dim evening sky the area I was in was still warm and bright.

There was the yelling again. I heard men’s voices. They were hunting, looking for something. I heard one of them call to look over the ridge.

I sat upright and looked around. I was outside in the place Damien and his Brothers liked to stay. That frigid lake was just in front of me. Several hollowed out gourds sat around me like someone had been using them. Pelts of dead animals were scattered around the place. It looked like someone had been camping.

The voices were nearer this time. They had seen tracks and were on the lookout.

It was Warriors hunting for a lost man. I scrambled to my feet and looked for a place to hide. They couldn’t find me out here. I was sure that would be bad.

I remembered a small incline on the other side of the lake. Before I had more time to think about it, I bolted in that direction. The cream always left me clumsy and now was no exception. I stumbled and tripped, fighting for balance. I knew if I could get up and out of the way they may not find me.

This had to be a dream. I prayed it was just a nightmare. I was in the mountains, with Warriors hunting me, and without Damien’s family to protect me. My legs carried me with surprising speed to the rocky incline.

There was a place about halfway up that was a small cave. It was too shallow for most mountain creatures to want. Damien and his Brothers had used it to play rough and tumble games. I sent up a silent thank you that I knew where I was.

I skinned my knees and my palms getting up the rock wall, but it was worth it. The small cleft appeared empty and it was the perfect hiding spot. Quietly, I crouched inside it and waited.

There were no more voices now. The Warriors were silent and hunting. Either they had gone in a different direction or they realized what they were hunting was not a lost man. Inside the shadows of the cave I silently prayed not to be found.

My heartbeat sounded loudly in my ears and I wished it would be quiet. The men were close, I knew that much. I needed to be alert and listen for them.

Suddenly figures passed in front of the flames of my campfire. I put a hand over my mouth to stop the scream. They would scour the area now. Why had I not thought to put out the damn fire?

Figures moved silently in the dark and I watched them. I couldn’t tell who it was, the moons weren’t up high enough to provide much light yet.

I waited expectantly, but heard nothing, then without warning someone leapt to the ledge of the cave and looked inside. In a second I saw my life flash before my eyes. I did what my Damien would have done. I rushed him.

We tumbled down the slope and I used the attacker’s body to break my fall. I tried to run but a body was before me, standing in shadows. I stumbled back and my hand grabbed at a pile of rocks and dirt. The man came toward me and I flung the particulates in his face.

It wasn’t fair or polite, but I’d never win a fight with a man.

Bolting away, I tried to get to a new hiding spot, but was stopped when I was tackled from the side. Lucky for me the body that careened into me turned to take the impact.

I was pushed hard to the side and I went down surrounded by the solid male form. He rolled me under him and I cursed in every language I had access to. Desperate to survive, I struck out with flailing fists. The man just restrained my hands as his body shook with laughter.

“What was it you said about us?” Bane whispered in my ear. “Something about stubborn, bull-headedand I don’t even know what that last word means, but I think it fits.”

I sagged with relief into the rocky ground and stopped fighting.

“No,” Evan whispered fiercely walking up, “hit Bane, what you did to me was worse.”

In the dark I could see Evan wiping his face and shaking his head. Before I had time to apologize Kein’s smaller shape emerged from the blackness and Bane rolled off of me.

“At least she didn’t use you as a cushion,” Kein groused stretching his back. “I’ll feel that for a while.”

“Kein, Evan I’m so sorry-” I started to say and Bane cut me off.

“None of that,” he ordered. “My Brothers will survive. It would be good to fight us now, Ciara,” Bane whispered in my ear. “The other men think you ran from the compound during a raid. You are a run away slave. Look at the other men and do anything disobedient you can. Damien will bring you before the General and later we will put our collar on you. Before that happens you should fight us, the others will expect it.”

I was very confused, but I could hear feet coming toward us.

“After he collars me?” I asked.

“Subdued and a little sullen,” Kein whispered crouching beside us and touching my face lightly, “but follow directions after our symbol is on you.”

Since I had been captured, I had to look the part. My hands and feet were tied and I was slung over Bane’s shoulder. We walked from my “campsite” into the rough hewn area the men knew as “the caves”.

The Warriors were here to hunt for a lost shopkeeper, but finding the run away slave was fun. The men surrounded us and looked at me. No slave had ever lived alone in the mountains before. I was unique. I saw them inspecting my campsite.

As we walked, several Warriors wanted to buy me, but Bane refused. He just walked briskly through the barren landscape. I watched as Damien and Christof appeared to complete the family.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

As I had been instructed, I struggled in Bane’s grip and cursed him. It took some force of will, but I turned my head and looked around at the other Warriors. On some crazy instinct, I cursed lightly at them. When I saw Evan he nodded at me, so I kept doing it.

Bane jumped onto a transport and the rest of the family joined him. The transport came to life and we took off. Damien pulled my hair up, so he could look at my face and I smiled at him.

“What did she do to you?” he whispered fiercely examining me in the low light

“Not a good time to get that answer, Brother,” Christof said and I turned my head to look at him. “You’ll notice several transports beside us.”

“They are too curious about the found slave,” Damien said. “They think the General will kill her-”

“It, Brother,” Kein said softly from behind the controls, “we shouldn’t forget.”

“Ridiculous belief,” Damien stated, “we buy females, because they are female and can pleasure us. Once they are here we tell them they aren’t female-“

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