A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


Master Damien didn’t even acknowledge them. He chewed thoughtfully and took another bite swallowing it down with a swig from his cup.

“Meat’s better tonight,” Master Evan said.

Master Kein disagreed, “Still too heavy with the gravy.”

The man slammed what was most likely his fist on the table and Master Damien offered me a chunk of meat. I took it and chewed like I was supposed to, but the tension was rising in the air. This would not end peacefully.

My Masters were ready for a good fight. They just wanted this family to get a little more worked up. Master Damien and his Brothers were rulers of their tempers. They knew men didn’t think right once the rage took hold of them.

The other men surrounded our table and I swallowed what had been in my mouth. Master Damien was very clear in his internal command. When the fight started, I was to get under the table and stay there.

One of the men swung out at Master Damien and I scrambled into my hiding spot. The fight started swiftly. The men were battling it out amid the shouting of their excited cousins.

Part of me was glad to be ignored and under the table. A larger part of me wanted to be out there with them, tearing those guys up. I could feel it. My owners were having a wonderful time.

The men they were fighting were from a different compound. Their style was novel. Master Damien and his Brothers were fascinated at the moves they were using. Not to say the other men were winning, but my Masters were enjoying playing with them.

A roar stopped all the noise from the men. I peeked out and some women were entering the hall. The men separated like nothing had happened and everyone went back to their seats.

I waited until Master Damien motioned for me and I crawled back to my kneeling place. They fed me and talked as the women wove through the crowd.

“Fighting, young men?” Nu-reeh asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” we answered as a group.

“Did you enjoy it?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress.”

She seemed satisfied and walked off, her talons clattering lightly on the floor.

I heard the internal discussion as my men contemplated the women. Nu-reeh liked to see them riled up and fighting. When the men were fired up they were entertaining.

We walked back toward our rooms and were accompanied by Ronal and his three Brothers. Walking with the other men I had the strange memory of a three legged dog that lived down the street on Earth. The dog never seemed aware of his disability, but everyone else was.

My men had watched my internal musings with some amount of humor. They seemed to find the analogy strange. It was fitting, though. Ronal’s loss was visible to everyone that saw them. The only men seemingly without issue with it were the Brothers involved.

Inside our rooms Master Christof whisked me into the back to change. He tied the skirt so my lower body was entirely covered. The wrap for my top was also looped around me several times.

I danced around the fire pit as Master Kein strummed his stringed instrument. Dancing, for once, was strange. Master Damien and his Brothers were torn between wanting to see my flesh teasing them and hiding it from our guests. I did my best to be conservative with my moves.

When I became winded Master Damien called a halt to me and I knelt before him. He wanted me closer to him, so I crawled into his lap and rested.

“So, Ronal, you’ve seen a slave that had this problem before?” he asked stroking my stomach.

“Yes, many lunar cycles ago,” Ronal said simply. “I believe they were from the red mountains.”

Master Evan was irritated. Ronal was being evasive and dragging this out. First the dancing and now he was giving the same information he’d already told them. Master Bane agreed and his anger started to rise. Their emotion was combining and mixing internally, readying to spill over.

Men don’t think right when their tempers are up, I reminded them and the fire all receded into the background.

“You’ve mentioned that, Ronal. What else do you know?” Master Damien asked calmly.

“Slaves,” he said leaning forward, “become very attached to their young. The night the boy chose his family and they put the mark, the woman had to be kept tied to the bed. When it was sent to the Child Keepers, I thought we’d never hear the end of the screaming.”

That made me feel better. The women would mark the child even if it was mine. It would not be an outcast. The bit about us being “attached” to our children wasn’t really news to me, but it was to my men.

I felt the discomfort they all had about that part, but I ignored it. My curiosity had to deal with how they sold the boy. Who made sure his owners would be good enough?

Master Damien asked Ronal who sold the boy and the other man grunted.

“Your family’s offspring are valuable. Mistress Nu-reeh will claim the child as hers. That’s what the other woman did. She put the boy in a family. What I heard at the time was she handled the sale like it was her own,” Ronal answered.

“Anything else about the men strike you as unusual?” Master Damien asked. “They seem to have any special attachment to their slave?”

“No more so than any of you that choose this life,” Ronal said looking confused. “You have some unusual attachment to your slave?”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Master Damien scoffed and cupped my cheek as though examining me, “Only wondering why this happened to us is all,” he said.

I met his eyes and the understanding passed between us. The bond was unusual. That was what they had wanted to know and Ronal had inadvertently answered the question.

The rest of the conversation was pleasant and not that enlightening for me. My men had never seen things Ronal described, like nursing, but I had. They neglected to tell Ronal they were already intimately aware of what my breasts could produce. My Masters listened intently as Ronal described the life of a child.

“How long does it last?” Master Evan asked.

For a human child I knew a mother kept them for eighteen years, but this wasn’t Earth and this child wasn’t human.

“They kept it for six full turns of the small moon,” Ronal said.

That had meaning to me now. About four hundred twenty days, if the calculation Master Damien did was correct.

I was sad and my eyes started to tear. A little over a year to know my child and release it into this wild world forever. It was too soon, much too quick for any mother.

Water touched my lashes and threatened to spill over as my body started to tremble. It took all my fortitude to sit stoically on Master Damien’s lap as the men talked. I’d never lost anything this precious before.

Master Bane grunted and stood up. Master Kein made a show of stretching. They felt my pain and I was breaking. It would be better not to do that in front of these men.

Master Christof moved from beside Master Damien and encouraged me to rise. He walked me toward the bedroom and into the closet to change out of my outfit.

“Focus on me,” he whispered into my ear. “I feel no emotion about this child. You will do better if you focus away from your pain.”

Christof was curious about what was happening, but he wasn’t burdened by sadness. The idea of giving the child to Keepers was normal to him and made sense. I focused on that instead of my own impending sense of loss.

My outfit was changed back to my warm soft one and I was offered a drink of water. Once my men were sure I wasn’t going to overpower their bond with my raucous thoughts Christof led me back to the sitting room.

Ronal was describing the strange way the female had spoken to the infant and the high lilting voice she had used.

“Singing,” I smiled and spoke to Master Christof, “she sang to the infant. You’ve heard me do that before. We do it on Earth. It calms the children.”

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