“Indeed,” That green gaze was hard and unyielding. “And do you always form your own opinion of people before you actually get to know them?”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

She shrugged. “It’s an unwise woman who doesn’t pay attention to her… Observations,”

Just as it was an unwise woman who chose to ignore the fact that Simon Hamilton’s voice had hardened in the last few minutes.

“No doubt allowing you to decide that there is no smoke without fire…?”

Oh, Sara was pretty sure there was a lot of fire when this man chose to turn his lethal charm on a woman. “Not exactly,” she dismissed dryly. “I just have eyes and common sense with which to make up my own mind.”

His nostrils flared. “And yet you had already decided to distrust me, just because something unfortunate had happened yesterday. Something I had no control over.”

Sara had decided so much more than that! “I know enough to be wary, yes.” She said,

Simon Hamilton’s jaw tightened. “You are not prepared to give me the benefit of the doubt?”

“In what way?”

“In that what happened yesterday was not my fault,”

“Probably not, no,” she answered without hesitation.

“That’s a pity.”

“Is it?”

His mouth tightened and he gave a stiff inclination of his head. “I trust I did not interrupt your enjoyment of the evening?”

She grimaced. “I wasn’t enjoying it much even before you came over and spoke to me.”

“And my conversation has added to that lack of enjoyment?”

Sara shrugged. “I shouldn’t let it bother you, Simon; it’s really nothing personal.”

“On the contrary. I believe your comments in regard to me to have been very personal,” he responded tersely.

Sara looked up at him, realizing that although he appeared outwardly controlled, inwardly Simon Hamilton was quietly, chillingly angry-as the tightness of his jaw and the angry glitter of those green eyes testified. Maybe playing this silly game of cat-and-mouse with him had not been a good move on her part.

She gave a dismissive shake of her head. “I just thought I would save you wasting any of your time in attempting to charm me.”

“Would it be wasted?”

“Most definitely,” Sara confirmed with feeling.

His eyes became glacial. “In that case, I will relieve you of the necessity of suffering my company a moment longer.”

Was that disappointment Sara now felt at this man’s acceptance of her scathing dismissal of him? Surely it couldn’t be-not when she already knew just how callous this man could be?

“I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening,” she finally replied derisively. “I’m sure all the other ladies present will be only too happy to entertain you.”

Simon forced the tension from his shoulders. “You-”

“Ah, there you are, Sara baby.”

A tall, blond-haired man in his late thirties moved in beside Sara. His blue gaze was curious as he turned to smile at Simon, his teeth very white and straight against his slight tan. “Great party, isn’t it?”

“Great,” Simon echoed, as he inwardly acknowledged that he wasn’t pleased at seeing the other man’s arm draped possessively about Sara’s waist. This was ridiculous of him, when Sara had made it so obvious that she had no interest in him. Perhaps the other man’s proprietorial attitude explained that lack of interest? Maybe. Although Sara hadn’t looked particularly pleased at being called ‘Sara baby’.

She straightened away from that possessive arm about her waist before making the introductions. “Simon, this is Mark Forbes. Mark, meet Simon Hamilton,”

“Really? The Simon Hamilton?” Mark prompted warmly as the two men shook hands.

So Mark knew about Simon, Sara wondered with a frown. And so? She thought, irritated that Mark was so obviously bowled over by meeting him. Admittedly the man was rich, but he was too handsome and charming for his own good. What was so special about him? And why did Mark look so impressed?

“Hamilton Tower is a monument to beautiful architecture,” Mark said admiringly.

The realization came at that moment and Sara realized just who Simon Hamilton truly was. Hamilton Enterprises was one of the most powerful business organizations in the world, owning a private jet, as well as properties all over the world. In that, she did have to agree with Mark. Standing at least eighty floors high, and built of a pale, rose-coloured marble, with tinted sun-reflecting windows, Hamilton Tower was one of the most beautiful buildings in New York, rivaling the other well known Buildings.

No wonder the man was as arrogant as ever. So rich and powerful that he believed that he could do no wrong and could never apologize for anything. But even so… She refused to be impressed.

“It’s just another tall building blocking the view, Mark,” she dismissed impatiently.

Simon Hamilton looked amused rather than annoyed by her comment. “But I thank you anyway,” he told Mark dryly.

Sara’s irritation deepened. “I believe it’s time we were leaving, Mark,”

He looked crestfallen. “But we only just got here…”

Simon’s previous annoyance at Sara’s scathing comments about his reputation had dissipated totally in the face of her increasing irritation with the man who had accompanied her here this evening. If she was in a serious relationship, it wasn’t with Mark Forbes, and Simon couldn’t see how a man Sara was involved with would be happy about her attending a party with another man -particularly one as handsome and obviously successful as Mark.

So, no serious relationship. But what did it matter? The woman he knew only as ‘Just Sara’ couldn’t have made her complete lack of interest in him any more obvious. Contrarily, it just made her all the more intriguing to Simon.

He had never thought of himself as being a masochist before, but maybe this move to New York, and the over-abundance of beautiful women vying for his attention this past week, was turning him into one-because if anything his attraction to Sara had only deepened in the last few minutes.

He looked down at her from between hooded lids. “I would be more than happy to escort Sara to her home if you would like to remain at the party a while longer, Mark.”

Her eyes widened in what looked like horror at the suggestion, even as bright spots of color brightened those pale alabaster cheeks. “If Mark wishes to stay, I’m perfectly capable of ordering a cab and taking myself home, thank you,” she replied tightly.

He continued to look down at her. “There’s no need when my car is parked downstairs.”

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