A Night With The Ruthless Mafia Don

Chapter 12: Unconventional Approach

Meanwhile, Marisa was still trekking home. She couldn’t find a taxi because of the chaos caused by the Gambino brothers at the restaurant. Her journey home was fraught with a heavy heart and a sense of urgency.

She walked through the dimly lit quiet streets, her steps quick and determined. The encounter with the Gambino brothers had shaken her to the core, leaving her with a sense of unease. She couldn’t understand why they had spared her life when they had been so ruthless toward the men who had attacked her. The experience had left her both grateful and perplexed.

Upon reaching the small, cramped apartment she shared with her best friend, Clarabelle, she wasted no time. Her son was the only thing on her mind. She entered her living room, the faded photograph of Jeffrey on the rickety wooden table catching her eye. Her emotions welled up as she thought about her son’s critical condition.

“I promise, Jeffrey, I’ll do whatever it takes to get you that surgery,” she whispered, her voice trembling with determination. “Even if it means stepping into the darkness, I’ll save you.”

Marisa knew that time was running out, and she couldn’t afford to waste a single moment. She had to find a way to raise the money for her son’s surgery within the next twenty-four hours, or he’d be paralyzed forever, and she couldn’t bear to see her only son paralyzed.

With renewed resolve, she sat down at her old, battered laptop and began scouring the internet for any opportunities or contacts that might help her secure the funds she so desperately needed. The clock was ticking, and Marisa was prepared to do whatever it took to keep her promise to her son.

Hours passed as Marisa relentlessly searched for job listings, her eyes scanning through various websites. Her qualifications were limited, and she didn’t possess a school degree, which narrowed her options significantly. Each rejection and job posting that didn’t fit her qualifications weighed heavily on her.

As the night grew darker, Marisa’s frustration and worry mounted. She muttered to herself, her voice filled with anguish. “Why is it so hard to find a job that could save my son? I’ll do anything, anything at all…”

Tears welled up in her eyes as the realization sank in that she might not find a job in time to secure the money for Jeffrey’s surgery. The overwhelming fear and helplessness brought her to her breaking point, and she burst into tears, her shoulders shaking with sobs.

Amidst her tears, Marisa muttered softly, “I can’t lose him. I won’t lose him.” Her voice quivered as she uttered the words, her desperation palpable.

Just then, the door to the apartment swung open, and Marisa’s best friend, Clarabelle, walked in. She had just finished her long day at work and hadn’t expected to find Marisa in such a state. Concern etched across her face as she dropped her bag on the couch and rushed to Marisa’s side.

“Marisa, what’s wrong?” Clarabelle asked urgently, kneeling before her friend. She reached out to gently wipe away Marisa’s tears.

Marisa, still sobbing, tried to speak through her choked sobs. “It’s… it’s Jeffrey, Clarabelle. He’s.. he’s at the hospital..” Her words came out in fragments as she struggled to convey the gravity of the situation.

Clarabelle’s concern for Jeffrey deepened as she sat with Marisa, who was still visibly distraught. After a moment of silence, Clarabelle gently asked, “Marisa, can you tell me what happened to Jeffrey? Why is he at the hospital?”

Marisa took a shaky breath, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand before explaining, her voice trembling with emotion. “Jeffrey had an accident this morning while the school bus was conveying the students to school. During the accident, Jeffery broke his neck bone which resulted into temporary paralysis. The doctors say he needs surgery as soon as possible to have any chance of walking again or else he’ll be paralyzed forever. Without the surgery, his life is in grave danger.”

Clarabelle listened intently, her brow furrowing with worry. “I had no idea, Marisa. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? We need to do everything we can to get him the help he needs.”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Marisa nodded, her eyes brimming with gratitude for her friend’s unwavering support. “I never wanted to burden you with my problems, Clarabelle, but I’ve reached a point where I can’t do this alone. I’ll do whatever it takes to save my son.”

Clarabelle’s determination shone through her response. “Don’t worry, Marisa. While you go take a shower and relax, I’ll reach out to my contacts and seek help.”

Marisa hesitated, her exhaustion evident. “A shower is the last thing on my mind right now.”

With a reassuring smile, Clarabelle gently insisted, “Trust me, Marisa. Taking a shower will help clear your mind and relieve some of the stress. We’ll find a way to get the money, but first, let’s ensure you’re in a better state of mind to tackle this challenge.”

Marisa was on the verge of protest, but Clarabelle interrupted her, “Just go and take a quick shower, Marisa. It’s essential for your well-being, and then we can brainstorm effective strategies to meet the deadline.”

Reluctantly, Marisa sighed, her gratitude palpable. “Alright, Clarabelle, I’ll take your advice and have a quick shower. Thank you, once again, for being here for me.”

Clarabelle playfully scolded her, “Marisa, I’ve said it before-no more ‘thank yous.’ We’re in this together.”

Marisa nodded, understanding the depth of their partnership. She managed a weak smile and headed towards the bathroom. The weight of the situation still hung heavily on her shoulders, but she couldn’t deny that Clarabelle’s presence provided a glimmer of hope in her darkest hour.

As Marisa turned on the shower, the warm water cascading over her served as a temporary respite from the relentless worries about her son’s life. She allowed herself a moment to let the tension drain away, if only for a short while.

Meanwhile, Clarabelle wasted no time. She reached for her phone and began making calls to her contacts and friends. Each conversation was a plea for help, a desperate attempt to secure the funds needed for Jeffery’s surgery. Her words were heartfelt, and her determination was unwavering.

The responses varied. Some of her contacts expressed sympathy but couldn’t provide the necessary financial assistance. Others promised to check if they knew anyone who could help. Clarabelle’s determination never wavered, and she continued her calls with unwavering resolve.

After what felt like an eternity of phone calls and negotiations, Clarabelle managed to gather a substantial sum of money, but it was far from enough to cover the cost of Jeffery’s surgery. Her heart sank as she realized the enormity of the task at hand.

Marisa emerged from the shower, the warm water having provided a brief respite from the relentless worry that weighed her down. But when she saw the look on Clarabelle’s face, it was as if a heavy shroud of despair settled back over her.

“Hey, Clarabelle,” Marisa said as she sank down beside her friend. “Any luck yet?”

Clarabelle’s expression was a mix of frustration and sadness. She sighed heavily before responding, “Not really. I’ve only been able to gather a sum of $213, 000.”

Marisa gasped, her eyes wide with disbelief. “Oh my God! You gathered such a huge amount of money in less than an hour?”

Clarabelle nodded, her voice tinged with sorrow. “Yeah, but it’s still not enough for Jeffrey’s surgery, and I have no one else to call for help.”

Marisa was about to reply, but her phone’s ringtone suddenly pierced the air. She sprang to her feet and hurriedly retrieved her phone from her handbag. Her heart raced as she saw the doctor’s name displayed on the caller ID.

Without wasting a single moment, she answered the call and pressed the phone to her trembling ear.

“Good evening, doctor,” she greeted nervously.

“Evening, Mrs. Russo,” the doctor replied, his tone serious. “I just called to remind you about your son’s condition. We only have fifteen hours left to perform the surgery, or else he’ll be paralyzed permanently.”

Marisa’s heart sank as she listened to the doctor’s words. The gravity of the situation pressed down on her, and the relentless countdown to the surgery deadline seemed to echo in her ears.

“I understand, doctor,” Marisa replied, her voice trembling with anxiety. “I’m doing everything I can to gather the money as quickly as possible.”

The doctor’s response was sympathetic yet firm. “I know you’re doing your best, Mrs. Russo, but time is of the essence. I implore you to expedite your efforts. Jeffrey’s future hangs in the balance.”

With a deep breath, Marisa hung up the call, her hands shaking slightly as she placed the phone back on the table. She returned to Clarabelle, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and fear.

“We’re running out of time, Clarabelle,” Marisa said, her voice quivering. “I can’t bear the thought of Jeffrey being paralyzed for the rest of his life. We have to find a way to get the remaining money, no matter what it takes.”

Clarabelle hesitated for a moment before broaching a difficult subject. She knew that Marisa was already in an extremely vulnerable position, but their options were running out.

“Marisa,” Clarabelle began softly, “I know this is an incredibly tough decision to make, but considering the time we have left and the amount we still need, there might be one last resort.”

Marisa looked at Clarabelle, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. “What do you mean, Clarabelle?”

Clarabelle took a deep breath before suggesting, “There’s a way to make a substantial amount of money quickly, but it’s… unconventional. I don’t want to pressure you, but it might be our only option at this point.”

Marisa’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What are you talking about, Clarabelle? What kind of unconventional way?”

Clarabelle hesitated, knowing that her words would carry a heavy weight. “I’m talking about joining a… well, a hook-up site. There are people willing to pay large sums of money for companionship, and it could help us raise the rest of the funds we need in a short amount of time.”

Marisa’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The idea was both startling and distressing, and it left her torn between desperation and the fear of crossing a moral boundary.

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