A Mafia’s Obsession

Chapter 35

Crystal walked happily downstairs like a dog with two tails. It had been a day since she arrived back in New York.

She and Leonardo got back home around twelve in the morning.

Crystal didn’t waste no time in drifting off into sleep the moment her body touched the soft sheets of her bed.

She woke up with a beam on her face the next morning. The sun was bright, so was her life–atleast it was seeming bright.

And it was all thanks to the one person she never believed could ever make her smile talk more of making her happy.

As Crystal ventured downstairs, her minds raced to everything that transpired between her and Leonardo in Italy.

“I love you Crystal”

It was just a sentence consisting of four words but this sentence was going to change her and Leonardo’s relationship forever.

He was a force causing a tornado of emotions within her. His kisses, lips, sensual words, touch–everything played in her head repeatedly like a movie on repeat.

A little giggle escaped her lips as she reminisced about everything.

Then a mild exhale left her lips as she remembered she had not set her eyes on Leonardo since the morning they both landed in New York.

By the time she woke up the next day, she was informed by Maya that Leonardo had left very early for work. She spent her day with the elderly, cheerful woman who was more than happy to see Crystal back.

“The mansion was very lonely without you in it Crystal”

“Oh how much I missed you both!”

“Leonardo looked extremely cheerful when I spotted him living for work early in the morning you know”

“This trip must have really strengthened your bond my child”

Maya would blissfully say to her.

Ofcourse, she enjoyed Maya’s company but now she deeply missed having Leonardo around her.

Gosh! That man was such a workaholic… she thought to herself.

He didn’t come back yesterday night and today also she hadn’t set her eyes on him.

She had become accustomed to having him around her always that his mere one day abscence now felt like torture to her.

Her mind took a walk down memory lane as she remembered those periods where she would always fervently pray that Leonardo wouldn’t return home.

How ironic her life had turned out. If someone told her she would come to crave for Leonardo’s presence, she would have definitely called the person mad and refute it.

But the universe has a strange way of doing things.

She not only craved his presence but his touch. His lips left a burning desire in her, a desire she wanted to experience again.

Crystal sniggered to herself, lost in her world of thoughts.

“You look so happy my child”Maya’s voice cut through her thoughts.

Crystal was immedately snapped out of her reverie and back to the present. She hadn’t even realise she had reached the bottom of the stairs.

She gazed at Maya, her lips slightly ajar. “Uh-uh yeah. Goodmorning Maya”she stammered.

“Goodmorning my child. Breakfast is ready. Let’s eat ok”Maya replied.

Crystal and Maya walked towards the dinning area. As usual, a feast had been spread out on the dinning table.

It was mouth watering and appetizing. Crystal didn’t waste no time in feeding on the exquisite dishes placed before her hungry eyes.

“To be honest Crystal, your stay in this house has brought light to this mansion”Maya said as she stuffed a piece of pork into her mouth.

Crystal turned to face her as they sat side by side. “Really? Was this mansion filled with darkness before”Crystal jokingly inquired.

Maya emitted a breathe out. “Leonardo was cold, he hardly smiled or even interacted with anyone. He was so secretive and very quiet. Though now he is still very secretive but I can see the changes in him. The morning he hastily left for work, I saw a glint in the eyes. It was happiness Crystal. My boy looked happy. He didn’t tell me but from his body language and the sparkle in his blue eyes, I knew fully well. It’s all thanks to you dear”

Crystal felt her heart warm by Maya’s speech. She herself felt elated and it was because of Leonardo.

She loved him. Yes she did.

She had come to realise that.

And she just wanted nothing more than to pour out her heart to Leonardo.

“Maya what can I say? Leonardo turned out not to be as bad as I envisioned him”Crysyal admitted to which Maya nodded her head.

“Crystal would you mind accompanying me for shopping today?”

“Ofcourse”Crystal exclaimed much too quickly.

She needed to go out. Without Leonardo in the mansion, everything felt like a blur. She had to atleast keep herself busy.

“What else would I be doing in this huge mansion? I’ll love to follow you for shopping”Crystal happily chirped.

A chortle left Maya’s lips. “When we are done eating then. Thank you dear”

“Anytime Maya” Crystal replied as she took a bite of the pork in her plate.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Maya I’m telling you, that shopkeeper is weird as fuck. The lady was literally passing winks at you”Crystal told Maya as she gripped on to two shopping bags filled with grocery.

Maya couldn’t control her fits of laughter. “You mean that young red haired was winking at me? I thought she was just being nice”

Crystal sniggered at her reply. “Nope. I think she likes you. Or she probably thinks I and you are you know….”

“What!”Maya exclaimed, laughing even harder as they stepped into the mansion.

“Oh Lord in heaven. Crystal..”Maya said in between laughs.

“Teens today have crazy thoughts”Crystal said to Maya, facing her.

“Welcome you both!”A rich voice boomed as it approached the living room.

Crystal gave longing eyes the minute she spotted the person from which the voice emitted from.

It was Leonardo.

“Leonardo!”she joyfully exclaimed to her own surprise, dropping the grocery bags and running over to hug him.

Leonardo gave a low pitched chuckle, holding on to Crystal by the waist.

“I didn’t know you would miss me like this”Leonardo teasingly said as he let go of Crystal.

Maya gave a fake cough which made Crystal turn to face her at once, awkwardness webbed all over her face.

“I’m so sorry for dropping the bags Maya”Crystal immediately apologised, walking over to carry them.

“Don’t worry about the bags Crystal. I can see how much you missed Leonardo. I’ll tell one of the workers to bring it”Maya softly said to Crystal which got her at ease.

“Irina”Maya called out as she walked into the kitchen.

“So…” Leonardo boyishly began, coming over to Crystal and pivoting her around to face him.

“Let go of me. I’m angry with you”Crystal huffed, folding her arms.

“Really? Just few mintes ago you threw yourself at me and now you are angry”Leonardo cheekily gave utterance to.

Crystal eyed him. “We arrived back in New York and you didn’t waste any time in storming off to work the next day. You didn’t even come home that night? Where did you spend the night huh?”

Leonardo gave her no reply but a lustful stare.

“What the hell are you staring at?”Crystal asked with furrowed brows.

“Sembri così sexy quando sei arrabbiato” Leonardo gravelly said.

“What does that mean?”Crystal inquired.

“You look so hot when you are angry doll”Leonardo translated causing Crystal to shiver as she felt her breathing halt in her lungs.

“Ok tell me, how can I make it up to you my love?”Leonardo said in a whisper.

“Let’s spend time together”Crystal quickly replied.

“Where amore mio- my love?”

Crystal thought for some time, her head tilting back and forth.

“The beach!”she happily exclaimed with a click of her fingers.

“As you wish. When can we go?”

“Right now if possible”Crystal requested.

Leonardo gave a mischievous smirk.

“Ok bella” he whispered into her ear.

* * * * * * * *

Crystal laid on the cold sandy ground of the beach, looking up at the brilliant sky that had now being adorned by flashes of pink and orange colours.

The roaring waves continuously formed a white foam upon hitting the rocks in the beach. The various pebbles in the sandy shore of the beach made it glimmer against the rays of the calming sunset.

The seagulls soared in the air, riding with the wind.

Sunset was beautiful. It was amazing and spell bounding.

Something then dropped on her skin. A drop of water. At once Crystal began feeling sprinkles and splashes of water drop on her.

She immedately bolted up in a flash, turning to face Leonardo who held a bottle of water.

“What the hell. I’ll definitely do my own too Leo”Crystal playfully said as she quickly grabbed the water from his hold.

Together they raced about in the beach, Crystal pursuing him and throwing splashes of water on him until the bottle of water had been fully emptied.

Leonardo at once grabbed her off the ground from behind causing her to shriek.

“I’ll plunge you into the waters now”he threatened her.

Crystal hit his arm vigorously.

“Leonardo no.. no please”

“I like it when you beg me” he sultrily whispered against her ear before dropping her down.

Crystal hit his chest in retaliation the moment her feet touched the ground.

“Let’s walk together baby” Leonardo offered.

Crystal nodded to his request.

Light and refreshing, the breeze kissed against their skin, gliding through their hairs and pushing it against their face.

The sand squished between their toes as they gaily walked along the shores of the beach bank.

“Maya told me you are seeming more happy now”Crysyal said attempting to start off a conversation.

Leonardo gave her knowing eyes. “Ofcourse. Because of you baby”

Crystal felt a blush spread across her cheeks.

She tucked her hair behind her ear as they kept on walking. “But what would become of our umm relationship?”

“I don’t understand Crystal”Leonardo said as he stopped to face her.

“I mean would we end up together? Or we won’t. I don’t want us to be in a fling…”

Leonardo at once placed a finger on her lips, “What I feel for you isn’t going to be a fling Crystal. It is not even to start with. You belong to me and me alone. We will definitely end up together. Do you really think I’ll let you stay with another guy?”

Crystal stared at him, her cheeks going scarlet red.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

She wanted to reply but Leonardo spoke up in an instant. “I love you ok”

“And I don’t want to you to say it back if you are not sure of what you feel ok Crystal. No rush”Leonardo added.

Crystal just stared at him with lips parted. He winked at her and began walking whilst she stood on the spot.

He was being patient with her. He was being everything she always wanted.

She loved this man.

She took a step forward wanting to call out to Leonardo when she felt a sharp stinging pain pierce through her shoulder.

She slowly gazed down at it and saw a ruby red liquid seeping out of a hole in her flesh.

Her hands sweeped over it and her eyes widened in horror.


It spread rapidly round the area, tainting her pink top and giving it an awful shade of red.

The liquid dropped on the sands of the beach, living its red stains on the sands.

Her heart became rapid in beat so also did her breathing. Another agonising pain shot through her.

This time, it was right above her left breast.

Like it’s bloody counterpart, it was spreading rapidly, tainting her top with its scarlet red stains.

Leonardo didn’t seem to notice as he walked ahead of her.

She had been shot.

But no sound was heard.

She had been shot by a silencer.

Then came the wave of pain so strong, it got her knees buckling to the ground.

“Leonardo!”she screamed out in pain, her knees crumbling to the ground.

Leonardo at once turned and his heart sank. He ran over to Crystal and held on to her.

“Don’t close your eyes please” he pleaded.

What followed next was the vociferous noise of gunshots being fired as Leonardo thundered to his goons who rushed towards them.

Crystal at this moment was slipping into unconsciousness. Her body felt light and an excruciating pain was coursing through her that she found it almost difficult to breathe properly.

“You will be fine I promise you my love”Leonardo whispered as Crystal gave herself off into the darkness that shrouded her vision.

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