A billionaire’s kiss


Following morning I watched Alice walk back into the woods, clad in all back, hugging the wedding photo to her chest.

I sighed. She must be going back to that place.

I stepped back from the window and turned my gaze towards the bathroom door where I could hear the sound of running water. I’d woken up before Ian and taken a shower, clothing myself into a knee length black dress to visit the cemetery today. It was Nathan Kingston’s death anniversary and Ian had been quiet since he woke up, so was I.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I walked out the door, hoping to make some coffee for both of us.

I reached downstairs but before I could make the turn to the kitchen a voice halted me.

“We have some things to discuss”

I craned my neck and saw Ian’s mother,

Standing a few feet away, glaring at me.

“What is it?” I asked quietly.

She took a deep breath and forced a smile into her lips. “Why don’t we sit down first?”

I don’t like this.

“O-okay” I hesitantly walked over to the couch and sat down on it, Ian’s mother taking a seat across from me.

As she sat down, she threw an envelope across the table. “Take this money and leave him”

I blinked. What the hell?

“Umm…I don’t need your money”

“Then don’t take it but” She narrowed her eyes. “You must leave him”

“I think your son is old enough to decide for himself”

At that her expression hardened, her fists clenching, sharp nails digging into her palms. “I know what’s best for my son” She said through gritted teeth. “And you’re not the best. So it’s better if you willingly leave him before I make you regret ever stepping into my son’s life”

My brows knitted. “Are you threatening me?”

“I’m warning you”

I scoffed. “Maybe you should talk to your son first, before forcing him into an unwanted marriage”

“It’s not an unwanted marriage” She hissed. “Both parties benefit from the marriage and Melissa loves Ian. Soon he will love her too considering she’s not a burden to him like you, who’s coming from a middle class family”

I let out a bitter laugh. “Here I thought we live in the 21st century” I mumbled loud enough for her to hear it.

“You will leave Ian” She spat. “A gold digging whore like you will only make his life miserable. So it’s best if you leave him soon before things get out of hand”

I rolled my eyes. Is this all she has to think about on her eldest son’s death anniversary?

I wanted to say something that could shut her shitty mouth forever but she’s someone older than me. So I refrained myself from any further argument.

“I came here to make coffee but now my mood is ruined thanks to you” I forced a smile to my lips and stood up. “I’ll get going then”

As I turned to leave a hand reach out, harshly grasping mine. “You’re making a big mistake by making an enemy of me, whore” She hissed, her grip around my wrist tightening. I tried to yank my hand back but her hold was too strong, bruising my skin. “This will be my last warning. Leave my son, he deserves so much better, not some filth like you”

Then she released me and stormed out of the living room.

I snorted. How dare she call me names?

I took a deep breath, calming myself before walking back up the stairs to Ian’s room.

As I walked in, Ian stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a black suit.

I pushed past him to reach my handbag but Ian suddenly grabbed my arm, turning me to him. He raised my hand, his gaze falling upon the bruise on my wrist and I could see his eyes begin to blaze with mad fury.

“Is it my mother?” He asked through gritted teeth.

“Umm…” I bit my lip, uncertain whether to answer or not.

“Answer me” He demanded in a tone that dared me not to disobey.

I swallowed in fear. “Y-yes”

Ian’s jaw tightened, a vein popping out of his neck. He turned to stride out the door but I grabbed his sleeve, stopping him.

“Ian don’t” I begged.

Ian looked at me for a long moment in silence then slowly nodded. “Go get your things, we’re leaving now”

Alice knelt down before the gravestone, murmuring soft words to it. She placed the flower bouquet down and ran her trembling fingers along the engravings, tears falling from her eyes. She lowered her head and covered her mouth with her hand as she sobbed in agony, her body quivering.

I watched her, standing a few feet away giving her space but I had a hard time seeing her in pain like this, to lose the person you loved since your childhood.

Ian didn’t come, he stayed in the car. Either because he couldn’t face his brother or perhaps Alice. Maybe even both. I didn’t push him either because he’d been down since morning, spoke only a little words and mostly averted his gaze when looked.

After Alice was done, I paid my respect, placing another bouquet next to Alice’s. Alice sniffled quietly and I wrapped an arm around her trembling shoulders, holding her steady. She leaned into my touch, seeking warmth against the cold morning chill.

We stayed like that for a while until Alice wiped her tears and straightened up, thanking me.

We walked down the gravel path to where the cars were parked.

“Are you going back to California?” I asked quietly and she nodded.

“Aren’t you gonna come back?”

Alice looked at me with a faint smile. “Did Ian put you up to this? To convince me to come back to New York”

“Well he did” I admitted. “But I also want you to come” I said wholeheartedly. “You’d been living there all alone, isolating yourself from everything. But” I glanced at her. “don’t you think six years is long enough?” Alice looked down at that, unable to meet my gaze.

“I mean, I know you hate the Kingstons but I will be there. I will be there for you whenever you need me. We can talk, hangout. I’ll even introduce you to my friends, you will love them for sure. Just don’t-” I gave her a saddened look. “live like that, tormenting yourself. I’m not telling you to forget or anything but I don’t think Nathan wants you to live like this”

Alice’s lips quivered and small drops of tears trailed down her cheek.

“I won’t push you Alice, just merely suggesting” I added. “It’s all up to you” I held her hand and gave it gentle squeeze. “But I will always be there for you, so will Ian even though you hate him”

She still didn’t raise her head but I engulfed her in a warm hug. “Good bye Alice, hope we can meet soon” I said and turned around, walking back to Ian’s car.

I opened the door and climbed in but Ian didn’t notice as his head was hung low, fidgeting with his fingers.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Ian” I said quietly and he looked up.

“Oh you came”

I smiled faintly but I saw the pain hidden beneath his eyes. It was heartbreaking to even look at.

“Did you talk to Alice?”

I nodded.

“Did she say…yes?”

“No but she’s didn’t say no neither. I hope she considers”

Ian nodded and trained his gaze on the cemetery behind me, staring at it with a longing look.

“Do you want to go see your brother?” I asked slowly but Ian shook his head.

“I don’t want to. Let’s get going now” Ian started the engine and gripped the steering wheel but his hands were trembling.

“Ian, do you want me to drive?”

He glanced at me. “I’m alright Hailey”

But I wasn’t convinced.

Ian smiled and his hand reached out, stroking my chin. “I’m alright” He said softly.

I hesitantly nodded and Ian stared at me in adoration. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on my forehead. “You’re a gem I landed Hailey” He murmured and slowly pulled back, driving us away.

After two hours we reached the Prescott’s and I was about to climb out of the car when Alice called me.

“Hello Alice” I answered.

“Hailey. I’m coming back to New York”

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