A billionaire’s kiss


I knelt down and collected the shards of glass into the dustpan. Even though Ian told me he hated his brother I knew it wasn’t true. He wouldn’t cherish this photo this much if he didn’t love his brother. And wouldn’t get angry either.

Ian still hasn’t come out of his office room and I can’t blame him. That slap in the face, I felt it as if I was struck by it. And it deeply pains me because for some reason I don’t want him to get hurt in any sort of way.

What’s wrong with me?

I sighed and took the photo to my hand, studying it’s frame. I gently ran my finger over the small flower design carved on the wooden frame border, a small smile curling up my lips at the beauty of it but then my finger met with a gap.

I frowned. I flipped the photo over and saw something white sticking out from inside the frame. In confusion I carefully pulled it out and realised it was a paper more exactly a letter.

A letter addressed as Dear brother.

But it wasn’t my place to read so I neatly folded the letter and slipped it inside a small drawer.

Dusting off my hands I stood up and took the dustpan downstairs, putting the shards of glass into a box and then throwing it to the bin.

I looked out the window but it was still raining, the sky tar black and the clouds thick. The air was foggy, blurring the lights of the city but yet the sound of the rain was calming.

I moved to the glass wall and closed my eyes, leaning my head against the wall, listening to the pitter patter of the rain. It was tempting me to a deep sleep, a deep cozy sleep but I didn’t want to bother Ian by sleeping in his room and neither did I felt like going to another rooms upstairs. He needs time and space to calm down.

I sighed and trained my gaze on one of the sofas that was long and large much like a bed. That would do. I walked over to it and laid down, curling myself into a ball. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a voice behind me.

“Are you mad at me?”

I looked over my shoulder and saw Ian standing at the bottom of the staircase, a hurt expression on his eyes.

I sat straight. “No. Why would I be mad at you?”

“Then why are you sleeping here?” He spoke as he approached me.

“I thought you’re mad at me and needed sometime alone”

Ian’s eyes softened. “Why would I be mad at you Hailey?” He took a seat next to me. “Tell me”

“Because I-” Ian raised his brows and I swallowed back my blank words.

“You did what?” He cupped my face in his hands. “Don’t blame yourself for something you didn’t do, okay?” He asked with a smile and I hesitantly nodded.

My gaze fell on his reddened face and I sucked in my breath. It must have hurt a lot. I gently placed my hand on his cheek. “Does it still hurt?”

“Oh it’s nothing” He took my hand away and kissed my fingertips but I wasn’t convinced.

I didn’t know why I was feeling like this but I knew I wouldn’t be at peace until I knew he was okay.

“Umm…let me get an ice pack” I hastily stood up and strode to the kitchen, pulling out an ice pack from the freezer. I went back to sit next to Ian but instead he suddenly pulled me onto his lap.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I was startled. “What are you-”

“Just stay here and do it” Ian looked at me with his deep blue eyes and I felt as if I was compelled.

“O-okay” I placed the ice pack on his reddened cheek and sighed, feeling guilty and sad.

“You look upset”

“I’m not upset”

“Really?” Ian kept his fingertips under my chin and tilted my head up to meet his eyes. “Then do you feel bad for me?”

“N-no I don’t” I stammered.

Ian smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. “See, you’re too upset to even make a sassy remark. Is it because I lashed out?” He asked with concern. “I’m sorry. It’s just that photo is very-”

“Shh” I kept a finger to his lips. “It’s not because of you and you don’t have to explain, I understand”

Ian smiled. “Thank you” He pressed a kiss to my jaw. “Let’s go meet Blake now”

I raised a confused brow. “Blake Smith? Why?”

“You like him so I thought seeing him would cheer you up”

I stared at him for a while and then spluttered with laughter. “Oh my god Ian! You’re willing to take me to another man because you want me to cheer up?”

Ian frowned. “Now that you’re saying it that way I’m doubting my very decision-”

“Ian” I laughed. “Seriously you thought that?”

“I just don’t want to see you upset” Ian defended himself. “But I personally don’t like taking you to him”

“What if I had said yes?”

Ian pouted. “Then I’ll just sit in the corner and fume in jealousy”

I threw my head back and laughed. “I can’t with you-” I laughed till my eyes teared up. “You should never say things like that because I might actually stay with him” I joked.

Ian narrowed his eyes. “There she is, the old Hailey”

“Of course” I grinned. “I never went away. I’m always here. You just haven’t seen my full version yet”

“Really? Then what’s your full version like?”

“Very sassy. You might want to cry and run away”

“Oh really?” Ian asked in amusement.

“Mmm” I nodded.

A small smile curled in his lips and he leaned forward, his eyes flickering to my lips. He gently pressed his lips on mine and my eyes fluttered shut as our lips moulded together in perfect symphony. He kissed me with a deep desire and passion that rendered me breathless, wanting more and more. He sucked on my lips, bit on them until I was lost in my own bliss. His hands slowly traveled up my back and tangled in my silky waves, his fingers running through the soft strands of my hair. I moaned against his lips and fully turned my body towards him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Then he suddenly flipped me over, my back landing on the sofa. I gasped but Ian covered my mouth with his, kissing me with a heart clenching passion. His lips moved down, trailing hungry kisses down my throat to my neck, sucking on the tender skin with a deep passion. My hands traveled to his soft luscious curls and I fisted them, pulling at the bottom tendrils. He nipped on my soft spot and my back arched, a loud moan escaping my lips. “Hailey” Ian murmmed against my skin. “You desperately want to leave me, don’t you? But then what?” He pressed his lips on my collarbone. “Will you marry another man? Will you forget about me?” His voice came out as pained.

I gulped not knowing how to answer that. Do I really want to be with another man? The thought sounds strange. As if even imagining myself in the arms of another man is impossible.

“Will you forget about everything?” His lips traveled up, capturing mine in a passionate kiss, sucking on my lips fervently. Then he slowly pulled back, allowing us space to breath.

His eyes desperately searched mine for an answer but I didn’t know the answer myself. What’s wrong with me? Didn’t I have everything planned out?

Just ignoring him for three days killed me so how will I ever leave him for the rest of my life? Why is this happening to me?

“Ian I-”


I looked at him in confusion.

“Don’t say it” He gave a peck to my lips. “I don’t want to hear it” Then he rolled to the side and leaned down next to me.

“Come, sleep on my arm”

He stretched his arm and I didn’t feel like refusing his request so I slowly moved towards him and laid my head down on his arm.

Ian smiled and circled his other arm around me, pulling me to his chest.

“The wild cat is calm”

I chuckled. “Just for today. You’ll see my normal self again tomorrow”

“Oh I know” Ian grinned. “Sleep now”


“Mmm. If I take you to bed, you’ll mentally create a barrier and stay far away from me as much as possible”

I let out a soft laugh. “Fine. Just of today”

Then I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

He pressed a long lingering kiss on my forehead. “And Hailey”


“Don’t leave me”

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