A Billionaire In Disguise

Chapter Fourty

Chapter Fourty

The instant Catherine saw Chloe walking into her office, she looked her dead in the eyes and raised

her chin as her expression grew cold.

"Dear cousin, if a stranger was in this room with us, they might mistake us to be enemies because of

the way you are looking at me right now," Chloe said, taking a seat on the chair with a soft smile on her


"Why are you here?" Catherine coldly asked without losing her icy expression.

"So you are just going to make me go straight to the point?"

"Yes. Now, what's your reason for being here?"

Even though she tried to keep up the act, there was tension in Chloe's grin, and slowly her smile began

to fade until her face became darker.

"Well, after finding out that your husband almost killed Earl and beat him into a coma, I felt the need to

stop by and check up on you to see how you are doing." Chloe said, striving to continue playing the

caring cousin card.

"Thank you for your concern, but you are not someone I feel comfortable discussing my feelings or

talking about my husband with. So I will like you to kindly take your leave if that's all you came here

for." Catherine casually uttered with a deadpan expression.

"Cousin, I jus…"

"Chloe, I'm a very busy woman, and gossiping with you about my life isn't something I have the tiniest

bit of interest in or time to do!"

Staring directly at her cousin, Catherine kept her eyes cold, and her brows pulled together in a frown as

her chest raised.

'What's with this new dominant presence she has? In the past, she didn't have the guts to dare look me

in my eyes, but now, I feel like I'm the one in the submissive position.' Chloe thought in annoyance.

"Can you leave, like now?!" Catherine asked, losing her patience slowly.

Those words snapped Chloe out of her thoughts, and she raised her lashes, gazed at Catherine, and

said, "Let's have dinner after you are done with work."

"Chloe, I'm serious about being busy, and I don't have the time for whatever you are up to this time."

Catherine firmly uttered.

"And I'm genuine about having dinner with you. As a family, we shouldn't be holding grudges against

each other for too long."

"No!! I don't want to play in your little games!"

"Except you are willing to call security on me and make them drag me out of here, I am not leaving and

will wait until you get off work so we can eat dinner together."

Frowning, Catherine relaxed back against her seat, crossed her arms, and firmly intoned, "Do you

really think that I'm not capable of doing that to you!"

The conference room grew silent the instant its door opened, and Rome walked in with his secretary.

No one spoke as they all watched him walk to the head of the table and take his seat, and even after

that, nobody uttered a word.

"I got informed that I was meeting people who have grievances to share with me, so why does this

room feel like a graveyard?" Rome calmly uttered, staring intensely at those around the oval table.

The conference room continued to be quiet for a while, and Rome was slowly losing the patience he

was working so hard to keep.

"The last time we met, you turned down my compliment and said that it will make more sense and be

meaningful after you have proven yourself worthy. Also, that I should save the praises for when such a

day comes," Clarence finally said, holding back the rest of his statement.

For a moment, he watched Rome slowly tap his fingertips on the desk with his eyes fixed solely on him.

Then Clarence slightly clenched his fist before saying, "Permission to speak freely without any


"No," Rome firmly said.


"You should know that's a stupid request to make. It's like saying 'No offense,' and then you proceed to

say something offensive. I refuse to give up the right to set a person straight if I get disrespected by

them. So you either speak or shut up."

For a moment, Clarence didn't uttered a word as he glared at Rome, wondering if he should remain

silent or speak his mind. However, his ego and anger got the best of him, and he knew he couldn't stay


"I have always listened to and respected your father no matter what he said. But if you want me to do

the same for you willingly, then please show us what you can do other than to create problems for all of

us!" Clarence boldly stated.

Frowning with a hint of worry in his eyes, Mr. Aaberg softly intoned, "Clarence, don't be rude!"

"What! Did I say something wrong! His father had run these companies for years with ease and without

having no bad rumors to affect his partners' businesses. But now that he's in charge, all these rumors

are coming out, one after the other, and it's troubling for all of us connected to him!"


The room fell silent for a moment as everyone waited for Rome to say something. But when he

continued to stay quiet, Clarence threw Barney a cold stare, and he felt pressured by that and

mumbled, "I also agreed."

Resting his troubled eyes on Rome, Mr. Aaberg frowned slightly. Then he uttered, "We would like to

hear your opinion on this matter because we all are worried here."

'Even though you are playing the innocent card here, one look at your face, and I can tell who's behind

this meeting. You don't have the face of an innocent man, Aaberg.' Rome thought, smirking faintly.

Then he stopped tapping the desk and casually said, "Okay, I have heard your grievances, and I also

have made up my mind on the matter you have brought forward."

Swaying his focus off Aaberg and to his secretary, Rome's face hardened as he said, "Get me each

contract for everyone seated at the table."

"Wait! What are you doing?" Arthur hastily said as fear glowed in his eyes.

With a deadpan look on his face, Rome stared at Arthur and calmly intoned, "I'm going to shred them

and cancel the contract I have with you guys. You all don't need to worry. you guys will have your


"What! Don't you think you are acting way too cocky at such a troubling time!" Clarence lashed out

before getting a grip on his tongue.

"I think you guys are the one acting overconfident here!!"

"Even if you are powerful, you losing partners at such a crucial time will affect you deeply. So I think

you are the one throwing your weight around."

"True, losing you guys would affect me a bit. But you all losing my support will totally cripple your

business and crumble it to the dust."

It instantly fell silent as Rome watched a humble look settle on Clarence's face. Then he sat up straight

and said, "It must be enjoyable working alongside someone powerful, right? But what you guys forgot

to remember is that cutting ties with such a person puts you in a position where it's you against them."

Understanding exactly what Rome's words meant, Aaberg slightly cleared his throat and lowered his


"Now, tell me, who do you think would want to work with your companies after losing a partner like me!"

Rome firmly asked, looking at their nervous faces.

Then he sighed, stood to his feet, and said in dominance, "what's happening is just a small setback.

But it definitely doesn't mean that I have stopped being Rome Ford. So raise your hand now if you want

me to shred your contract right this instant!"

A pin drop could make a noise in the room after his remark because no one made a sound or


"If anyone of you thinks you can belittle me and push me against the wall, I advise you to think twice for

your sake, not mine!" Rome boldly uttered, staring at Aaberg.

In that instant, he unintentionally stared up at Rome. Then when their gaze met, he hastily looked down

and thought, 'I thought such a troubling time would be the perfect chance to make him have a taste of

the humiliation I felt in his office that day. Who knew he was this difficult to put down.'

Smiling faintly, Braden looked at his boss with a touch of pride in his eyes. Then the buzzing sound of

his phone suddenly drew his attention away from Rome, and he hastily answered the call.

After talking on the phone for quite a while, Braden ended the call, focused back on Rome, and

mumbled, "Sir,"

"What is it?" Rome asked, looking his way. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

After taking a step closer to Rome, Braden leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Well, Chairman

Herman is here, and he wants to speak with you. I was informed that he looks really pissed."

'Great. Things just got more frustrating.' Rome thought.

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